Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Well, I'm back--at least for a time. Dealing with internet servers is really not my idea of a good time. We are looking into getting faster internet, but cost is its own subject!
We are well here. The end of October we became offically licensed to be foster parents!! We have not had a call for a placement yet, but are looking forward to the opportunity!
Currently we are getting ready for Thanksgiving. We really were not paying a whole lot of attention to the prep for the meal since Clay, Veronica and Tristan were unable to join us this year. But we are (weather permitting) getting together with our dear friends Ken and Sabrina and their clan!! Sabrina has a couple of Pioneer Woman recipes that are going to be on the table for sampling this year!
Trevor starts audio therapy this coming Monday. It will be in Bellevue, so he will be staying the majority of the next month with Bill and Leanne. I'm going over at some point the second week of December to help with driving Trevor.
Have you started Christmas shopping yet?? I have got a few things and am hoping to actually start wrapping BEFORE Christmas eve! I just read a short article in Guideposts magazine about a family that decided to buy all presents for their family from second hand stores. She says that everyone really enjoyed the thrill of the hunt and things were actually affordable and kept everyone out of the busy stores. Fun idea......
The artic blast that was predictied for around here has begun to strike. Since Saturday, we have had 30-50 mph winds along with single digit temps. With wind chill we should have negative double digits tonight and tomorrow night. THEN it should warm up to almost 32. Ah, and its only November! We are looking forward for the wind to stop so that we can work on getting the ouse warmed up. It's craziness trying to keep it warm with all this wind. The animals are cold, but so far seem to be doing ok. We just have to bring water out to them a couple times a day since it freezes so fast. Life on the prarie! It's an adventure! I'm so thankful that we do have a beautiful house, a wood stove and LOTS of wood. How did people survive these winters back in the 1800's and early 1900's???? It's truely remarkable what a human can with stand!
Give thanks for the beauty and warmth around you. Give thanks for the beautiful family of yours and let all know how much they touch your life.
Have a blessed Thanksgiving!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I must be seeing things... YOU POSTED ON YOUR BLOG??!!! WHAT?! Glad you could send out an update. I don't envy you in the cold. It's cold here, but it's more than 8 degrees so I'm not going to complain. :) Miss you!

  2. Thank you for the dear reminder to give thanks. The life on the prairie sounds lovely, esp with your warm, love-made home and love-cut wood. What a dear man you have! God bless you dear friend.

  3. Love to read your posts. Glad things are going well. We miss you. Love, Windy
