Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Shelves and Relationship

I cannot believe that it's only 1:45 in the afternoon!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For some reason, this has been a VERY slow moving day! On the upside, I did clean and reorganize the kitchen shelves. That was a gross job. I honestly thought I cleaned all that not that long ago but was I wrong--who would of thought that dirt got THAT sticky......... So I do feel slightly better about myself for cleaning that one portion of my house--(no I didn't take any pictures!) :)
Last night we had the most amazing lightening and thunder storm I have ever seen! The lightening bolts simply lit up the house and a few seemed to touch the ground in my fields! The thunder cracked and shook the house! Praise the Lord, we didn't have any fires on our mountain and didn't lose any trees around the house. Today is breezy and sunny--no sign at all of anymore storms, though according to the weather service there is a chance of another tonight. The cooler weather is nice, but it does mess with our lake and pool time!

You know how I said that it is a slow moving day? I think I'm just in thought regarding a book I'm reading called 'Walking in Total God-Confidence'. There are a few things that are standing out to me, but one at this point is what I 'get' to do for God--not what I 'have' to do.~~forget about the "Rules of the Christian Life" and focus on my "Relationship with the Living God".
Which motto will I choose to live by: Have to? or Get to?

Quote from Hannah Whitall Smith:
Here Lord, I abandon myself to you. I have tried in every way I could think of to manage myself and make myself what I know I ought to be. But have always failed. Now I give it up to you. Take entire possession of me. Work in me all the good pleasure of your will. Mold and fashion me into such a vessel as seems good to you. I leave myself in your hands. And I believe you will, according to your promise, make me into a vessel unto your honor, sanctified and meet for the master's use and prepared unto every good work.


  1. Great quote Darlene. I need to remember that today. Or I get to remember it. I'm confused. ;)

  2. Amen! That is great. What an amazing prayer! Thank you so much Dar.

    Big hugs...Im missing you!

  3. I love Hannah W.S., well, I guess you already know that. Funny that prayer is exactly what I've been articulating in my own heart lately.
