Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Ramblings for the Day

Last Thursday I had the opportunity to go over and visit with Jeremy and the kids! Jack and I left on Thursday morning and had lunch with Jeremy and Tristan at Costco! Jack loved the big pizza! :) Then we met Veronica after she was off work. We met at the most beautiful store! It's called Common Folk~~beautiful vintage and antique pretties! Even with Jack in tow, we managed to spend over an hour and easily spent thousands of dollars in our heads! :) Jeremy, Jack and I were able able to go out to dinner with Clay and Veronica and stayed the night at their house. Friday, I was able to have a short visit with Martha and the kids -- got to hold the beautiful, squishy baby Kally, aka Peaches! Then had a short visit with Melissa and her kids and then Jack and I picked up Trevor. We were then on our way back home!
Jeremy was home for the weekend, but is now back in Bellevue for another 2 weeks--
In the 1.5 days that he has been gone so far, Tina and Lucy both managed to get their heads stuck in the fence--thankfully at separate times. Oh, on Sunday, (thank goodness Jeremy was home for this!) Tina somehow managed to get her lip caught on some chain link and was standing on her hind legs hanging from the fence via her lip...........not a boring moment around here!


  1. Poor silly Tina. Jeremy was telling us about her lip piercing last night and I figured that would turn up in your blog. Who has a goat that gets itself caught by the lip on the fence?! You guys need to screen your animals better in the application process. "Tendency to do crazy things? Sorry, we've got that position filled." I'm going to get you a pig for Christmas that can fly to add to your animal collection! :) It was so great to see you for the five seconds we were there are Starbucks. It wets my appetite for Camp Omak for Girls!

  2. I still cannot believe that it has been so long since we have been able to talk--I'm looking forward to camp....it will give me something to plan this winter!! :) Maybe I should pick a couple of date options so that we have a goal! Wouldn't it be great if you could come out for a few days next week while Jeremy is back in Bellevue????? Wishful thinking..... :)
