It is only the second day of September, but the beautiful season of fall seems to have arrived! The air has a crispness to it--sunny and warm, but has the feel and smell of fall. The grasses that have been brown due to end of summer dryness now has a golden/orange color to it. The leaves are already changing colors---can you believe that? That started a couple of weeks ago when it should of still been warm lake weather! This last Sunday we actually had a fire in the wood stove since it was really cold and pouring rain! Today and tomorrow are to be our warmer days, so though the water maybe cold, I may still take the boys down to the lake just for the heck of it!
Aside from the weather, we started school this last Monday. Jack is LOVING it!! As soon as he finishes one thing, he is asking 'what's next???' I actually had to convice him that for the greater good, mommy really needs to eat lunch......and yes, we are going to be done for the day because we cannot do a whole year of school in one day. His response, "why??" hmmm......
We are leaving for 4 days in a couple weeks to meet up with my in-laws at the John Day Fossil Beds in eastern Oregon. Look it up online-I think that we will be staying in the booming town of Spray, OR. Yes, that means camping! Though if it gets really cold there are a couple of hotels at a nearby town. Jack is excited to go camping and go to a dinosaur museum. I'm going to be buying him his own camera so that he can document the trip from his view and also so that he is not constantly borrowing mine!! :) His photography has gotten pretty good and like his sister, can take some GREAT self-portraits!
Back to finishing up baking bread (another great 'fall' smell!) .