Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sunday Packing

Well, we have a new soccer star in the family! Jack is having a BLAST!!! We will be having games 2X a week.

We are leaving on our Dinosaur vacation tomorrow morning. We had Ken and Sabrina's youngest 3 last night overnight and Tristan and Dale just got here. Tristan and Dale are guarding our farm while we are gone--pray the animals survive.....LOL They are actually excited about hanging out at home this week. In the midst of all this, we have stuff everywhere trying to pack!

Please pray for our safety while we are gone. We'll be taking lots of pictures!!!!!

Have a blessed week!!!


  1. have a great trip!!! Praying for you! :)

  2. He looks like a pro to me! Can't wait for updates. Maybe you can even post a video???

    Missing you my paleontologist friend.

    Love, Marnie
