Friday, January 13, 2012


With the start of 2012, I'm going to make the attempt to be better about writing. With my dear husband still holding a crazy schedule, I do have a bit more time when he is not home. If you keep a blog, do you wonder at times if anyone reads it? Or are you just talking into space? Hmmm.....

Our life as we start 2012 still looks the same with work and all the kids. We have not had hardly any snow so far this winter but this next week there is snow predicted for each day. We shall see. If it does, it should be interesting since I have not had the 'tractor lesson' which means 'no plowed driveway....' It maybe a quiet week at home.

With God's grace and strength I will be back MUCH sooner than later. I'm aiming for a little each day to be in the habit, but life does get in the way at times.

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