Saturday, January 14, 2012

Saturday, Jan 14

Check it out!! TWO days in a row. Not much to report. We did have a little snow fall today, but barely enough to cover my icy pathways to the animals. Reports this week show some snow but mainly bitter cold temps. As of now it is 8 degrees. I have LOTS of wood on the fire for going to bed and the space heaters set up in the bedrooms and the living room. I have my alarm set for early am to get the fire going again for the day.
Not sure about church tomorrow. Kids appear to be fighting being sick. Fussy; weird coughs; misc. reports of scratch throats. Didn't make it last week, so hopefully we can tomorrow. (Plus, I REALLY want to get my Sunday paper!!!) :)
I checked out today and set up a profile for Pinterest. Have you heard of this. My friend, Martha convinced me to set up a profile. Well, I have one, but there is nothing on it yet. I'm still trying to wrap my mind around it--challenging for the aging brain--- BUT I do LOVE looking at all the pretty pictures! :) Hopefully I can make since of it soon.

Our barnyard friends are all doing well. Can't tell yet if our little ewe, Katara, is with lamb yet. She is so big and woolly for winter! Our goat, Bonnie, is DEFINITELY with child. She is pretty big already and I'm suspecting twins for her or maybe it will be another big baby! We will find out in a few months. The chickens are obviously all done molting. We are getting 20-25 eggs A DAY!!! Can you believe that??????? I just recently had 11 dozen eggs in my fridge. My dear husband got those all doled out and when I went out today I ended up with another 25! I can only cook so many eggs! I do love omelets; quiche, etc., but since I'm currently the only adult home this week, it may not be a good idea to make these things everyday. (though I did make some cookies today for the 'littles'). (they are tasty too!)

I need to get to bed and rest up for what the Lord has in store for me tomorrow.
Have a pleasant night!!

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