Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Books, Wedding.....

I was so excited to get the mail today! I ordered 2 books from Amazon on Saturday, and they actually came today!! ~~For me this is amazing since anytime I order anything from Amazon, it takes WEEKS to get here!! So I ordered my 'Radical Homemakers' book and also 'The Pioneer Woman Cooks'. ~~Because I totally needed another cookbook!! LOL Well the Pioneer woman book is sooo beautiful! Have you seen your website? My friend and sis-in-law both told me about her! Great website! I found someone who takes more pictures than I do!! Yummy Yummy book--I'm probably putting on weight as I write!
Wedding plans are coming along very well. Veronica called this am and her and her dad met with Twelve Baskets and got everything taken care of!! YEA!!! We have received many RSVPs and are looking forward to seeing family and friends that we haven't seen in a long time! I really really need a dress! Marnie~~ when you get here, we maybe shopping!! :)
My next move now is to get apples and jars and make apple butter! Veronica wants to have jars of the tasty stuff out for 'wedding favors'.
Farm life is good. It's almost the calm before the storm. Jeremy is almost done with fencing. He is working in Bellevue all next week and ending the week with going to the men's retreat. Then we have the wedding. After that----gardening; goats; tear down 2 old barns. Oh, and get the playset and trampoline set up too!! If anything else, I'll have a great tan!! :) My gardening (for what it's worth!) will be done in spurts since I can only be working in the sun for short amouts of time. But I'm sure it will get done if I just keep working on it!! Food for this year includes: lettuce; cabbage (red and green); carrots; cilantro; tomatos; potatoes; zucchini; yellow squash; spinach; strawberries; raspberries.....YUM!
Jack loves to run around in the fields. He is getting so brave! LOVES to run around outside (finally by himself!!) and we have started rock painting season! We are going to be coloring eggs later this week. Can you believe that it's almost Easter????

Enjoy your celebration on the Resurrection of Jesus Christ!! HE IS RISEN!!!


  1. I wanna come play! .....and peek inside Ree's cookbook!!! I'm so hooked on her blog. I spent about an hour there last night just browsing through recipes. Enjoy the cookbook, I'm sure its fabulous. :)

  2. I miss you Darlene!! Can't wait to see you- just a couple more weeks!! Are you ready??? Jody

  3. Okay, I am way impressed with your garden. You amaze me beautiful friend!
    Love, marnie
