Monday, April 5, 2010

Spring Snow!!!

Yes, you read that right--spring snow!! On Friday we got 3"! Yesterday on the way to Twisp to go to church it was snowing over Loup Loup Pass. By the time we got home our snow was melted and it was a beautiful afternoon. This morning it started snowing about 7am!! We are currently back to just short of 3" and it is still snowing!! It is really beautiful--odd though, when Jack wants me to rehide all his easter eggs so that he can have another egg hunt! :)
Jack was sick on Friday but did better yesterday. I started getting sick on the way home from church~~ GREAT! LOL I am, thank goodness, feeling better today and am enjoying the day in my jammies while doing laundry (and hiding eggs.......)
This week I need to get my apples so that I can get started on making apple butter!! The wedding is getting so close!! I'm so excited for Clay and Veronica. They get the keys to their apartment at the end of the week and Clay will be able to get moved in. In the meantime, we are going to start sending all of Veronica's stuff over (via Jeremy as he heads over the mountains to work) so that she can work on going through everything. Still need to make our hotel reservations for the wedding~~ another job for this week!

1 comment:

  1. How thrilling! Did you get your apples today? I want pictures when you are making the apple butter!!!!! XO
