Thursday, April 15, 2010

Ready for a little break!

As of this evening I've done 106 jars of apple butter!! It will be good when I finish so that I can write about something else--though I'm not sure what that would be! Trevor and Jack have been SO patient with me! Tomorrow we are heading for Wenatchee for the day. Bill and Leanne are taking Trevor--weekend hiking fun for them!! Jack and I will go to Goodwill and Fred Meyer. Tomorrow evening I'll work on making another applesauce base and then back to it on Saturday. It's supposed to be really warm though, so maybe Jack and I will head to the park or play at the lake for a little while.

Today while the crock pot was going, I was talking to Melissa on the phone about kitchen designs--next thing I know, I'm totally rearrange cubboards and wiping down the insides of them. Got rid of a few things; and found that quite a few things could be put down in the pantry. The counters look quite nice and clean!! I'm totally going to crash tonight!!!!!!

One week from tomorrow I'm going to see my dearest friend Marnie. We have known each other for 31 years this fall and we get to see each other all next weekend for the wedding!!!!!! Her husband Kurt is coming too, which is good because Jeremy will need someone to talk to while we are talking constantly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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