Tuesday, April 13, 2010

75 Pounds of Apples.......

Yes, I have, as of tonight gone through 75 lbs of apples! I've been making apple butter for my daughter's wedding which is in 1.5 weeks! My goal is to have 150-200 jars of apple butter done by the end of the weekend. Will I make it? Well, I'm not going to give you a play by play of my cooking like in 'Julie and Julia', but I will report when I finish! :)
Aside from being as one with the makings of apple butter, we got 10 more baby chicks this last week. They are very cute--they are just starting to get their wing feathers and are quite fuzzy! They are the type that lay pastel colored eggs! Isn't that so cool???? Maybe we won't have to color Easter eggs next year! LOL
Jeremy is working in Bellevue for the next week, so it's just me and the boys hanging out at home. Jeremy is also able to go on the men's retreat this weekend also. He is really looking forward to it!
Oh, we got a giant trampoline!! AND we got it for free from a lady at church!!! It is sooo much fun! Needless to say Trevor and Jack are sleeping quite well at night and I'm getting some much needed exercise! After the wedding Jeremy will then be able to set up our playground set that is currently sitting in a large box out back. It's like having our own park and with the animals our own petting zoo out back!
Hope you are having a blessed night tonight--I'm going to crash and rest up for tomorrow's cooking day!


  1. Darlene... you are so trendy I had to copy you and make my own blog.

    Or it could also be that I couldn't figure out how else I could comment and that was driving me crazy. ;)

    Good job on the apples. How about I come out there and bounce around on the trampoline for a few hours and then you run me to the hospital when labor starts? Sound ok? You don't mind driving me to Swedish in Seattle right?

  2. Darla,
    What a great update! I can see those pastel eggs already!

    I am so proud of your kitchen creations! You are amazing farm girl!

    I need pictures of those baby cluckers...hurry!

