Thursday, July 15, 2010

Aimless Rambling

This is really turning out to be a bit of a lazy day. I'm actually ok with that since yesterday we were out all day--swimming lessons; picked up Trevor in Wenatchee and then went to family swim at the pool. Today Sabrina guarded Jack and his towel for me during swim lessons while I took Trevor to the department of licensing to get his WA State ID card. He is now official. Jack thought it was his drivers license and figured that Trevor could take him to the park and Mc Donalds. He was a little bummed at the news, but was glad to hear that I can still drive! :)
My plan today when we got home was to get the dusting done and bathrooms cleaned. So far I have washed dishes; read a magazine; watched a movie w/ the boys and worked on a blanket for my friend's birthday. Now that I'm looking at this list, it does LOOK like a lot. There is still time though to get my stuff done before Jeremy gets home today!
I got our application all sent into DSHS for foster parenting. We are signed up for our class for the end of August! Now we just need to get through the 'make your house safe' list. It is all stuff that really is a good idea, but that for some reason have never really got to: smoke detectors; fire extingushers; fire escape ladders; fire escape plan; make sure medications are all together in a SECURE area......little things so that we don't appear to be negligent parents! LOL
I did have one friend ask me what our 'story' was for wanting to be foster parents. I don't know if there really is a story. We do know that we really want more children and with Jack being 5 now and he is still currently the youngest, our big question/prayer was: Ok Lord, you placed us in this huge house in the mountains--what are we to do with it all??? Not long after that we both felt that maybe it was to foster parent. So far all doors have been WIDE open in this direction. So we continue on in this direction. At this point we have put in child age ranges from newborn to age 6. Depending on what goes on there, will determine raising our age range. I just pray that we can give a hurting child hope in their lives through Jesus Christ and give an example of a normal family. (well, in our case--crazy, loud normal!!) We just keep praying for guidance in this area.
My brother called today and him and his family should be out next month!! Can't wait for them to come and visit!
Ok, I need to stop rambling and get the housework done while Bob the Builder is building on TV in the background!!!!!


  1. Sounds like a great day to me. I love that Jack thought Trevor could take him out to McDonald's. Can't you just picture those two rolling through the drive thru?! HILARIOUS. Do the safe house regulations have things regarding the whole remodel element or is it mainly the fire/medicine?

  2. Hey Darlene... you need to check out this website... You might remember April from Legacy. This recipe she posted on her blog just made me think of you and the boys. Maybe they'll like it?

  3. mainly fire/medicine. i know that we will have to put a hand rail up on the stairs and make sure outlets are dealt with. common sense stuff--it's just forcing us to deal with it! LOL

  4. Yeah! I am back in blog world! We have had major computer probs and a very busy schedule. I love all of your posts Dar. I had so much fun catching up. I am so proud of your garden and your growing animal farm! Turkeys! Goat Trades! Sheep! You are AMAZNG! God bless you precious friend.
