Saturday, July 17, 2010

The Garden is Growing

By request of one of my blogging "fans", I'm posting a couple of pictures of our garden. Out there in that craziness is: strawberries; raspberries; lettuce; onions; tomatoes; peppers; corn; peas and beans. All are doing well except the tomatoes and peppers. That is a bit of a bummer since I was planning on using those to try and make salsa.......oh well. Maybe it will be better next year! I really enjoy having a garden--that is a big thing for me to say since there is NO WAY I would suggest such a thing several years ago. I still don't like weeding very much, but am willing to deal with it. I really have a problem with those darn biting flies, but have found great joy now in the wind--blows those little pests away!! :) Jeremy had to work this morning, so I managed to wash the swimming clothes/towels; vaccumed up and downstairs AND clean the bathroom floor. I feel really accomplished, though I still have a HUGE bunch of papers to go through; get Jack's school papers organized for the beginning of the school year; empty the pantry so that Jeremy can seal the floor; and empty the basement-which included sweeping it out and organizing the junk (aka: go to the DUMP).

Off to enjoy the day on my back patio and read my MaryJane Farms book...........


  1. Oh Dar! Your garden is beautiful. I am so very proud of you! Wow! I can't use enough exclamation points!! You truly are a city girl turned country/farm girl!

    I love you friend,
    Love, Marnie

  2. What? There's still a bunch of stuff in your basement after my stuff got moved??? Hm...weird...never would have called that one! Good luck with that! ;)

  3. It is funny about the basement isn't it Veronica? Looks like your stuff never left! LOL I actually can't wait to take it all out and fill up the truck for the dump! Want to come and help!! :) (i know you secretly do!)
    Marnie: this garden thing is really a work in progress. I do like that I can just go outside and have produce and eggs right out my door! It might be time to start a small garden in your huge backyard! You can grow cool stuff where you are!

  4. Hi Dar!
    Well, we did try, more than once, to grow something back there. Kurt's mom actually got special dirt, did all kinds of things to the rock-filled yukky soil and nothing...NOTHING grew. Marnie, Marnie how does your garden grow? The ants are all here, their eyes filled with tears, for there's nothing at all here to feed them. That's my garden story!!! Keep up the awesome work. I am so proud of you farmgirl!
