Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Cleaning Day

Today has been a 'stay home and clean day'! It is going surprisingly well. I even moved the couches and cleaned the dirt flim from under them--vacuumed and mopped. In order to do that, it meant taking the cushions off the couch. Which means pure enjoyment for my little man. I've got everything moved back now, except the cushions. Him and his stuffed animals made a fortress outside his bedroom door (which is also our guest room--i'll explain that later) and the room is the dungeon. He has socks on the heads of the animals (they needed hats since they are guarding the gate). It is actually pretty fun to listen to and watch.
Trevor has been gone since last Thursday visiting with Bill and Jeremy left yesterday am to work in Bellevue for the better part of 3 weeks. Last night Jack and I were going to see Dispicitable Me but the sound was NOT working at the theatre so everyone got a refund to try again tonight. Yes, I left the theatre last night with a crying five year old. Not pretty. We went to the library though and he turned in his reading program paper and got a little prize. That did help a bit. So we are praying that we can see the movie tonight.
My little brown goat, Tina, keeps going under the fence to the wrong side of the pasture. So last night, I was hammering 8' long 2x6's along the base of the fence for a temporary fix until Jeremy comes home for the weekend and try and fix what I was trying to fix. (does that make sense??) Well, I was feeling pretty good about myself since that was more effort than I was expecting (he makes it look so easy!). This morning when I was awakened a 5:30 by a crying goat, I look out and there is Tina with her butt in the air and her neck stuck under the one part of chain link that I did not put wood in front of. Out I go in my jammies to free her. After Jack woke up, I went out and put the last piece of wood up. So far so good. Jack informed me that I'm a good builder girl like Wendy on Bob the Builder..........that would be great if I could actually read a tape measure correctly!
I will now go back to finish the day's cleaning so that I can hit the movie tonight.
More later!!

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