Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Morning Exercise

Ok, those of you city girls will find my little adventure this morning pretty funny. So, I go out and give the goat their morning hay and grain. They are happy to see me (well, happy to see food!). I talk to them for a couple of minutes and move on. Then I let the big chickens out for their daily trek around the farm. Then, I look over at the pre-teen chicks and notice that their food is low, so I decide to be nice and feed them now instead of later this afternoon. As I walked into their pen, I notice that they are on the far end and I think, "how cute--they are exploring the area! i'll just get some hay for them to scratch in." I go get a bit of hay and as I toss the hay out to them, they all totally freak out---all kinds of noise and several of them climbing the fence wall! As I'm trying to comprehend all that is going on, I quickly discover that there is a small hole in the chicken wire at the back of the pen. Of course I notice this as one chicken got through the hole and is now looking at me quite confused on the OUTSIDE of the pen! Lovely......So out I go trying to catch this little girl, but to no avail. So as I'm giving up on her (because it is pretty much impossible to catch a chicken in the open by yourself) I notice that she ran towards some fencing by the garden and was sitting inside the rolled up fencing. So I did what any smart woman would do, I picked up the roll of fencing with the chicken trying to hide inside. Then I took one end of the roll and shoved it in the pen doorway and shook the roll of wire fencing until the chicken came out in the pen. The girls all huddled together with much stressful clucking over the matter. A total of 25 minutes later, I head back inside and promptly make a large cup of chai tea and sat on the couch!
Ah the glamorous farm life! As for my "Camp Omak" girls, maybe we can plan a little women's retreat up here Spring 2011????????????


  1. Oh my goodness, what a morning! It made me smile..I wish we could have tried to catch that little clucker together! Can you imagine that? We would have made more noise that those little chickens. :-) Yes, a girls retreat sounds like heaven. We just need to borrow some horses to ride! Maybe the goats will be big enough by then. Haha! I love you sweet friend. Have a blessed day.

  2. Oh I'm loving the mental picture of you two running around trying to catch the wayward hen while I sit on the porch with a chai tea. I'd be helping, but I have the baby and all.... ;)

    You know Darlene, catching an escaped hen sounds about as fruitful as having Bridget and Eric keep their room clean. In fact, I might RATHER try to catch a couple of chickens!

    And Women's Retreat '11 sounds like a WONDERFUL idea! I'm in as long as no one minds me bringing Peaches.

  3. PLEASE bring Peaches!! We need SOMEONE (outside of ourselves) to spoil!!!! I'm hoping that maybe with this much notice we can have plane fare for Marnie and gas money for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. What a great idea!!

    Jeremy was telling us your chicken story last night and it was hilarious! We need to pull Dave over to the "dark" side and convince him to move us out there.

  5. I say we plan it! Camp Omak for Girls is ON!!!!

  6. Camp Omak for Girls.....I like that one--we should have t shirts made...... :)
    Melissa--it was, I'm sure a funny site. One of those times where you are SURE someone must be in the background filming you!
