Tuesday, May 4, 2010

She is Married!!!!

My girl is married!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was a beautiful, blessed day!!! Everything went perfectly and the weather was SUNNY!!--that in itself is amazing since April in Seattle, is not always known for sunny and comfortably warm weather! So many people made a selfless effort in setting up and cleaning up--and many people traveled many miles--including 3 families that were guests that came from CA--

They had a beautiful honeymoon in Oregon and are now back home; working on organizing the apartment--LOTS of presents to find homes for! :)

Three days after coming home Sabrina (our pastor's wife) and I headed to Easton (about 3 hours away) for the central WA women's retreat. It was such a beautiful time--all was based from Exodus 3:14--I AM who I AM. Learned sooo much!!

Now I'm back home working on getting things back to a schedule and get the house organized for the summer. Gardening has now begun--we have strawberry plant and raspberry bushes planted so far, and in the next few weeks when we are not have anymore frosty mornings, then we can get our veggie starts into the ground. Goats should be arrived within the next month after "Dora"s twin babies are ready to weaned. The baby chicks are growing quickly! We go through so much baby chicken food!! They are pretty funny looking right now--feathers on the bodies and fuzzy heads--somewhat awkward looking!

Mother's day is on Sunday--bless the mom's in your life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. FINALLY you are back! Not like you've been busy or anything...

    The wedding was amazing and I can NOT wait to see the pictures! Good thing I know the photographer. I might get to peek before you guys even! ;)
    The shower was fun. Had a great time and I think all our bases (past the necessary tons of diapers) are covered. And NO I do NOT want to use cloth, but thanks for the offer. :)
    I'm glad you guys had a good retreat! I'm sure it was much needed. Love yah!!

  2. Beautiful post Darla! I love that picture from the wedding. I think it is my favorite, and that is hard to choose! Keep up the fabulous blogging, in between apple butter creations that is...I want more......
